Archi /// Wood
/// Geometric
‘Nothing is lost, nothing is created, everything is transformed'
is the principle of Lavoisier.
This collection is focused on the principles of sustainable development. Concerned about sourcing original materials, I seek ways to develop transformations. Wood offers multiple horizons due to his inherent ability to be renewed and adapted in different ways.
Applying this principle, my jewellery is crafted from recycled high value waste materials, gathered from workshops of other artists and artisans (wood waste from local carpenter), off-cuts from designs that have already had a life. Bonds are woven to give birth to this new upcycled jewellery developed between me and the first creators through the harvesting of raw materials and through the searching of forms and techniques to realize the final outcome.
Archi /// Wood
/// Organic
/// Contemporary Jewelry
/// Bijou Contemporain
JAD /// Jewel + Art + Design
Copyright © Frederique Coomans - All rights reserved - Tous droits réservés.
Do not reproduce in whole or in part without prior written permission.
Ne pas reproduire en tout ou en partie avant permission écrite.